Ten Countries Which have the Most Efficient Governments
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Ten Countries Which have the Most Efficient Governments

It has become our habit to criticize government for every ongoing worse scenario whether it is related to governance or not. First we need to define what constitute an essential feature of efficient governance. An ideal government must give right to every citizen of its country to participate constructively in decision-making and enforced law impartially to maintain rule of law. Information regarding working of institutions must be publically available and concerned authorities must response to public queries in efficient way. Best government doesn’t keep decision making centralized but always try to listen voice of each concerned party to reach a broad consensus and provide equal opportunity to all masses to raise their living standard. Best government always believes in least bureaucracy and regulation, maximum transparency, and adequate legal frameworks to facilitate expansion of business across the world. Furthermore, an efficient government knows ground realities of its country very well and makes long-run policies to get maximum outcome with scare resources.

The World Economic Forum’s annual Global Competitiveness Report compared the “efficiency” of governments in 144 countries by taking various factors into account such as wastefulness of government spending, rule of law, burden of regulation, response to public queries and transparency of policymaking to calculate the overall efficiency of each country’s rulers.

The oil-rich autocracy, Qatar surprisingly topped a World Economic Forum list and came up as the country with the most efficient government in the world, closely followed by Singapore. However, As per Amnesty International’s recent report, migrant workers in Qatar were treated unfairly and discrimination and violence against women were also prevalent. Freedom of expression remained strictly controlled in the country and dissemination of any news over internet that is false or deemed harmful to Qatar’s social values is strongly prohibited under cybercrimes law.

WEF Top 10 most efficient states in the world
1 Qatar
2 Singapore
3 Finland
4 Hong Kong
5 United Arab Emirates
6 New Zealand
7 Rwanda
8 Malaysia
9 Switzerland
10 Luxembourg

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0 0 1902 14 November, 2015 Economy November 14, 2015

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