An essential natural resource for every living organism in the world to survive, water is indeed the great blessing of Allah Almighty. A living being can live without eating for short time but they can’t survive without water as it is the most necessary element for the survival of life. Plants, Trees, Human Beings, Animals, Irrigation; everything needs water to survive. The most part of Earth is covered by it but despite that, there are still some countries which aren’t fortunate enough to be blessed with this natural resource. The absence of water resources in those countries have made them unable to develop the agriculture sector and may even face extreme scarcity of food. To mention the names, we have tabulated the data below collected from various sources to let the world know about the countries which have been unlucky to be blessed with water resources.
Rank | Country | Renewable Water Resources (In Cubic Kilometers) | Information Date |
1 | Brazil | 8233 | 2011 |
2 | Russia | 4508 | 2011 |
3 | United States | 3069 | 2011 |
4 | Canada | 2902 | 2011 |
5 | China | 2840 | 2011 |
6 | Colombia | 2132 | 2011 |
7 | European Union | 2057.76 | 2011 |
8 | Indonesia | 2019 | 2011 |
9 | Peru | 1913 | 2011 |
10 | Democratic Republic of Congo | 1283 | 2011 |
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